This is the last article on LOL Shield for Arduino before a while (I guess), this fantastic circuit from Jimmie P Rodgers : We where glad to obtain this wednesday morning a library, (under LGPL license, perfect 🙂 ) created by Alex Wenger, from the ArduinoBuch Blog, which is no less than a graphic driver for the LOL Shield !
Thanks to this wonderful piece of interrupt-based code, we where able, thanks to Aurélien help again, to write a Shoot-them-up similar to Space Invader (the ennemies don’t come the same way though …) !
And as we are free-software guys, you can download it below under a GPL v2 or later license :
Source Code of Space Invader 1.0 for ‘LOL Shield for Arduino’
And finally, a small video to show you the result on my LolShield :