
Optical Fiber in France: How it work? Free vs Orange

In France, since 2007, big network operators are installing optical fiber in big cities. This new technology allow a very high speed Internet access, and new services

Since the beginning of the fiber deployment, Orange and Free, the 2 biggest French operators, are using two different technologies to provide us with fiber-based Internet access. What are those technologies ? What are each technology pro & cons ?

Let’s explain this, with some drawings too ! …


26c3. Day 2 : A Microntroller-based led panel from Jimmie

During that second day at the 26th Chaos Communication Congres at Berlin, I choose to make it a manual and active day : Jimmi P Rodgers, a friend of Mitch (the inventor of the TVBGone) brought an electronic kit called “LOL Shield for Arduino“. It’s a 14×9 led panel, either green or red, driven by an Arduino, a microcontroller board with an Atmel 328, and a USB/Serial converter, which make it very easily programmable.

Let’s go for a small demo, source and video …

named zone refused notify from non-master

The trick & tips of the moment : we recently upgrade the secondary dns server of Lautre.Net. We are now using bind 9.3.

We has the following error message for all the hosted domains :

Apr 16 00:34:38 ns2 named[4586]: client received notify for zone ''
Apr 16 00:34:38 ns2 named[4586]: zone refused notify from non-master: