Il y a quelques jours, un ami et comme moi cofondateur de La Quadrature du Net 😉 m’a montré une vidéo qui, en plus d’être un petit chef d’œuvre de créativité et de technique, sonne juste, autant musicalement que politiquement, à nos oreilles !

Je n’ai donc pas résisté à l’idée de vous en faire profiter, et même mieux, de la sous-titrer pour mes lecteurs anglophones parfois peu habitués à comprendre l’américain, et en particulier torturé comme il l’est ici…

Cette vidéo, produite par Flying Robots, peut être vue sur la page youtube où je l’ai trouvée, mais aussi ci-dessous (avec les sous-titres en prime)

Bonne séance, et n’hésitez pas à me maudire si la chanson vous trotte ensuite dans la tête !

Buy a Shotgun / Flying robots

I have two shotguns
on my home
they are locked in a safe
with a metal gun case
we live in an area that's wooded
somewhat secluded
and I say
Joe, if there is ever a problem
just walk out on the balcony
and fire two blast
outside the house
buy a shotgun
buy a shotgun
you don't need a machine gun
you don't need 30 rounds
buy a shotgun
buy a double-barreled shotgun
no you don't need a flame thrower
and you don't need a tank
you don't need an A.R. 50
to scare those thugs away
I don't need a grenade launcher
I don't need an AR50
There is just one thing
I need to do
and to stay away from me
Fire two blast
outside the house
buy a shotgun
buy a shotgun
buy a shotgun
sure buy a shotgun baby
you don't need a machine gun
you don't need a machine gun
you don't need 30 rounds
way too many rounds
buy a shotgun
buy a double barrel shotgun
Americans could be killed
by a drone
In your bed at night,
in your home
Say it isn't so!
Americans could be killed
by a drone
In a cafe, in San Fransisco
oh oh
You'd never live
through the fight
Your notification
is the buzz of the drone
as it flies,
as it flies.
Robots in the sky
before you're killed
until you're dead
in your sleep
you wouldn't get a chance
to speak
Calm down senator
you are somehow say
we can kill people in cafe
it's simply false
Yes sir
It's simply false
we don't want to blow up
the cafe
Hey, I'm not that bad
Please don't kill me
He will not kill you
Are you going
to drop a missile
on Jane Fonda?
No, we will not
on Jane Fonda
Americans could be killed
by a drone
Calm Down
Yes Sir
Flying Robots
In your bed at night
In your home
Calm Down
Your home
Calm Down
Your home
Calm Down
Your home
Calm Down
Your home
Calm Down
Your home
The Chairman announces
a two-minute chocolate break.
Chocolate in the house,
chocolate is mandatory.
The national security agency
building a 1 million square foot
in Utah
That will house phone call
and email data
This is something
that's not our place to decide
The public needs to decide
whether these programs
and policies
are right or wrong
What the heck is going on
It's a data collection thing
The federal judge said
it's ok it's ok
They hold phone records for the NSA
It's all B.S.
.. But the NSA
woh oh woh oh !
They sit there
and they have the numbers
and they can play all day long
... But the NSA
What the heck is going on...
... Fire two blast
... woh oh
What the heck is going on...
Americans could be killed
by a shotgun
by a drone
by a flame thrower
in your home
by the NSA
calm down
yes sir
Americans could be killed
by a left wing website
What the heck is going on...
fire two blast
What the *** is going on...
Americans could be killed
by a shotgun
by a drone
by a flame thrower
in your home
by the NSA
calm down
yes sir
Americans could be killed
by a left wing website.
yeah !
I don't know
whoo whoo
Best unintentional singer
Vice President Joe Biden
Best Dystopia
Senator Rand Paul
Darren Triss & Starkid too
Songify yourself
with the songify app
just like this
just like that
just like that
just like that

Catégories : français